Guan Yin, Godess of Mercy
American Life in Poetry (2021): “Moving to Santa Fe”
American Review of Poetry (2018): “Train to Rome,” “Sharm El Sheikh,” and “Triad for the Body”
Arts and Letters (2019): “The Young Gypsy from Andalusia” and “Rumors”
Baltimore Review (Spring, 2012): “A Love Supreme”
Blue Mesa Review (2003 and 2005): “On Each Horizon at Dusk” and “The Ear is a Bony Labyrinth”
Blue Mountain Review (2023) p. 151: “Ode to the Suitcase”
Borderlands, Texas Poetry Review (2016): “Szymborska”
Boulevard (2017): “Girl with a Pearl Earring”
Canary (2020): “Death of the Botanist”
The Columbia Review (2013): “Widow Fetish”
Choice Words (2020): “New Religion”
Chiron Review (2020): “Autobio Religioso”
Cortland Review (2015): “After the Diagnosis”
Gargoyle (2020): “Rembrandt, Late Self-Portrait,” “Lorca's Lover,” and “Vissions of Johanna, jpg #12”
Hawaii Pacific Review (2014): “The Flower-Crowned Skull of St. Valentine”
Indiana Review (2003): “Dr. Zhao’s Herbs”
Innisfree Poetry Journal (2007): “Boy,” “Milagros,” and “Roma”
The Los Angeles Review (2021): “Missing”
The Massachusetts Review (2018) and Poetry Daily (2018): “Vespers”
The Monthly Review (2004): “Photographer of War” republished in The Magazine
The Museum of Trees Anthology (2019): “Unholy Sonnet,” “Bangkok,” and “To Have a Mind of Trees”
New Guard (2012): “Dinner with Hades”
New Mexico Discovery Anthology (2006): “Union,” “Day Two,” “Astrology,” “Africa,” “Mexico, the Dig,” and “I Read the Newspaper”
Nimrod (2004): “Anatomy”
North American Review (2023): “In the Sky of the Mesa” and “A Sister Loses a Trail in Fog”
One: “Marie Laveau” (previously under different title)
Oranges & Sardines (2008): “Madonna with Child, Christmas Eve,”
“St. Vincent’s Infirmary (Hotel Pain),” and “Born on Rembrandt’s Birthday” -
Poemeleon (2010): “Girl Reading a Letter, Vermeer” and “Sonogram”
Poet Lore (2008): “Acupuncture with Dr. Hao”
Poetry (2016): “Yellowtail”
Prairie Schooner (2015): Leave the Barren Fields”
Rattle (2018): “Intimate”
Santa Fe Literary Review (2015): “Hymn” (published under
different title) -
Santa Fe Writers Project (2013): “Frida Kahlo, Self-Portrait with
Thorn Necklace and Hummingbird” -
St. Petersburg Review: “Love in the Time of Insurgency”
Southern Humanities Review (2011): “Lucy” and
“Door to the Underworld” -
Swim (2024): “Sister of the Lake”
Tahoma Literary Review (2020): “All Souls”
The Shore (2024): “Raft” and “Lascaux”
Tinderbox (Volume 3, Issue 4, 2016): “Fidelity”
Western Humanities Review (2019): “Ecosystems of the Arctic Circle”
Windmill, Oklahoma University (2000): “Baggage”